How to get

You can reach us in the following ways:

GPS coordinates: 14.09788 ° E - N. 37.84373 °

From Palermo airport

     Merge onto the A29 motorway towards Palermo
     It crosses Palermo and follow the direction A19 Catania
     After about 80 Km exit Tremmonzelli
     Continue to Castellana Sicula - Petralia Sottana (S.S. 120)
     Just before arriving in Petralia Sottana continue towards
     Battle Ground (S.P. 54), after about 3 km you will reach our Adventure Park

From Catania airport

     Merge onto the A19 Palermo-Catania towards Palermo
     angry Output
     Continue to Petralia Sottana
     Exceeds Petralia Sottana and continue in the direction of Battle Ground (S.P. 54)
     After about 3 km you will reach our Adventure Park